September 2024
3rd STRATOS Workshop in Leiden
Bakewell N, Burden AM, Hayes KN, Stukel TA, Cadarette SM. Guidance for the design of observational studies to estimate the effects of long-term drug exposures. Poster presentation, STRATOS Workshop, September 2024, Leiden, Netherlands.
November 2021
Virtual STRATOS meeting, day 1.
Mitch Gail, Update and activities of topic group 5 (design) and potential collaborations with other STRATOS topic groups.
June 2019
Toward a Comprehensive, Integrated Framework for Advanced Statistical Analyses of Observational Studies, Banff AB, Canada.
September 2017
German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry & Epidemiology, Oldenburg, Germany.
Peggy Sekula, Design of observational studies and the need for guidance – prognostic studies as an example, abstract page 68.
August 2017
International Biometric Society Joint Conference on Biometrics & Biopharmaceutical Statistics, Central European Network, Vienna, Austria.
Doug Altman on behalf of STRATOS TG5, Study design issues in popular designs for observational studies.
Peggy Sekula on behalf of STRATOS TG5, Prognostic studies and the need for guidance.